Hardening Linux Systems

Cybersecurity focus on Linux

This project was part of the Cybersecurity certification. The process involved verifying permissions on the /etc/shadow file and creating user accounts incorporating 16-character passwords (not a user favourite is it?) with numbers and symbols expiring every 90 days. Also appended the Admin user to ensure as the only user with general Sudo access. Then created a user group with access to a shared folder for collaboration. Finally ran the Lynis report to audit the system and define actionable items for system hardening.

Permissions on /etc/shadow should allow only root read and write access.

    1. - Command to inspect permissions: 'ls -l /etc/shadow' displays read/write access, for owner only

  - Command to set permissions (if needed): 'sudo chmod 600 /etc/shadow' will change permissions to -rw- --- ---
  1. Permissions on /etc/gshadow should allow only root read and write access.
    • Command to inspect permissions: ‘ls -l /etc/gshadow’ displays read/write access, for owner only
    • Command to set permissions (if needed): ‘sudo chmod 700 /etc/gshadow’ will change permissions to -rwx — —
  2. Permissions on /etc/group should allow root read and write access, and allow everyone else read access only.
    • Command to inspect permissions:’ls -l /etc/group’ displays read/write access to root, and everyone else can read only:
      as displayed here: -rw- — r–
    • Command to set permissions (if needed): ‘sudo chmod 644 /etc/group’ will change the permissions, if required to -rw- r– r–
  3. Permissions on /etc/passwd should allow root read and write access, and allow everyone else read access only.
    • Command to inspect permissions: ‘ls -l /etc/passwd’ displays read/write capability for owner (root) -rw- — r–
    • Command to set permissions (if needed): ‘sudo chmod 644’ to change permissions, if required to -rw- r– r–

Step 2: Create User Accounts

  1. Add user accounts for sam, joe, amy, sara, and admin.
    • Command to add each user account (include all five users): sudo adduser sam | sudo adduser joe | sudo adduser amy | sudo adduser sara | sudo adduser admin
    then run ‘sudo usermod -aG sudo admin’ to append admin to sudo user

  1. Force users to create 16-character passwords incorporating numbers and symbols. (Note this has system wide effect)
    • Command to edit pwquality.conf file: ‘sudo nano /etc/security/pwquality.conf’
    • Updates to configuration file: remove the # from minlen and change value to = 16
      remove the # from dcredit and change value to = 0
      remove the # from ucredit and change value to = 0
      remove the # from lcredit and change value to = 0
      remove the # from ocredit and change value to = 0
      remove the # from minclass and change value to = 1
  2. Force passwords to expire every 90 days.
    • Command to set each new user’s password to expire in 90 days (include all five users): ‘sudo chage _M 90 user’ lets expire their password effective today in order to force a change (-E 17/10/2020)
      let’s also set up the users so they get 5 days warning (-W 5) moving forward sudo chage -E 17/10/2020 -M 90 -W 5 admin
      sudo chage -E 17/10/2020 -M 90 -W 5 sam
      sudo chage -E 17/10/2020 -M 90 -W 5 joe
      sudo chage -E 17/10/2020 -M 90 -W 5 amy
      sudo chage -E 17/10/2020 -M 90 -W 5 sara
  3. Ensure that only the admin has general sudo access.
    • Command to add admin to the sudo group: after creating user ‘admin’ ran ‘sudo usermod -aG sudo admin’ to append admin to sudo user
      then to ensure admin has sudo access: run ‘groups admin’ (displays ‘admin : admin sudo’ which verifies ‘admin’ added to sudo group.)
      I then added a user under admin using ‘sudo adduser’ to prove admin’s sudo capability. It worked.

Step 3: Create User Group and Collaborative Folder

  1. Add an engineers group to the system.
    • Command to add group: ‘sudo addgroup engineers’ (to verify group was added run ‘cat /etc/group | grep engineers’ Output ‘engineers:x:1018’
  2. Add users sam, joe, amy, and sara to the managed group.
    • Command to add users to engineers group (include all four users): ‘sudo usermod -aG engineers amy’ ; ‘sudo usermod -aG engineers joe’ ;
      ‘sudo usermod -aG engineers sam’ ;’sudo usermod -aG engineers sara’.
      run ‘cat /etc/group | grep engineers’ to view engineers group and determine amy, joe, sam and sara are indeed associated with the engineers group.
  3. Create a shared folder for this group at /home/engineers.
    • Command to create the shared folder: as root: ‘mkdir /home/engineers’
  4. Change ownership on the new engineers’ shared folder to the engineers group.
    • Command to change ownership of engineer’s shared folder to engineer group: run ‘sudo chown 1018 engineers’
      then ran ls -l to view directories – and engineers shows 1018 with root

Step 4: Lynis Auditing

  1. Command to install Lynis: ‘sudo apt-get install lynis’
  2. Command to see documentation and instructions: ‘sudo man lynis’ to display man pages
    ‘sudo lynis show help’ to display commands and options
  3. Command to run an audit: run cmd ‘sudo lynis audit system’
  4. Provide a report from the Lynis output on what can be done to harden the system.
    • Screenshot of report output: .jpg 1 & 2 in folder
Lynis Audit Report


  1. Command to install chkrootkit: ‘sudo apt install chkrootkit -y’
  2. Command to see documentation and instructions: chkrootkit -h
    This changed! Check documentation on how to run a scan to find system root kits.
  3. Command to run expert mode: expert mode is option -x sudo chkrootkit -x
  4. Provide a report from the chrootkit output on what can be done to harden the system.
    • Screenshot of end of sample output: .jpg included in file

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